I've been reading Dwight J. Friesen's new book, Thy Kingdom Connected: What the Church can Learn from Facebook, the Internet, and other Networks. I will be commenting on it in coming posts because it's really good. He helps us see a life of faith from a completely different perspective as he draws on new insights from science, philosophy, theology, and Network theory. More on that later though.
One of his illustrations of what it means to live as a "networked person" comes from a medieval Russian icon of the Trinity painted by Andrei Rublev. I found his interpretation of the icon to be powerful. I've seen this icon before many times, but I never heard a description of why it has inspired the faith of so many generations.
He writes, "God opens up God's own being to make room for us. Andrei Rublev, one of the great medieval iconographers, wrote an icon of the Trinity sitting around a table with an open space for us. In the incarnation of God in Jesus Christ, a place is set for creation at God's Table."
Through his arresting vision of God's inner essence, Rublev attempts to illustrate God's radical invitation to us to join him at the table and commune with him. What a attractive description of having faith.
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